
Showing posts from August, 2015

Bl. Louis Sotelo - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. Louis Sotelo - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Bl. Louis Sotelo, Franciscan martyr of Japan. Louis Was a noble of Spain, who was ordained and sent to Manila, Philippines, in 1601. He went to Japan in 1603 but was exiled. Returning to Spain in 1613, he visited Rome in 1622, and then went again to Japan. He was arrested in Nagasaki and burned alive at Shimabara. Feastday Aug 25

Bl. Thomas Koyanangi - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. Thomas Koyanangi - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Bl. Bartholomew Monfiore, Bl. James Denshi, Bl. Paul Sanchiki, Roman Catholics and martyrs of Japan. Japanese crew members of Blessed Joachim Firayama's ship. Arrested for his Christian faith, he was beheaded at Nagasaki. Feastday Aug. 19

Bl. Thomas Koyanangi - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. Thomas Koyanangi - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Bl. John Foyamon, Roman Catholic Martyr of Japan. A scribe on the ship carrying Blessed Peter Zufliga, he was beheaded at Nagasaki with Blesseds John Yano and John Nangata. Feastday Aug. 19 Bl. Thomas Koyanangi, Roman Catholic Japanese martyr. Arrested as a passenger on the ship of Blessed Joachim Firayama-Diz, he was beheaded at Nagasaki, Feastday Aug. 19

Bl. Michael Diaz - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. Michael Diaz - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Bl. Michael Diaz, A martyr of Japan. He was a Spanish merchant on board the Japanese ship carrying Blessed Joachim Firayama. Michael and others were arrested by Protestant Europeans who turned them over to the Japanese authorities. Everyone on the ship was martyred at Nagasaki. Feastday Aug 19

Bl. Peter Zuniga - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. Peter Zuniga - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Bl. Peter Zuniga, Roman Catholic Priest and Martyr of Japan. A Spaniard from Seville, he grew up in Mexico, where his father was the sixth Viceroy of the Spanish colony. Upon his return to Spain, he joined the Augustinians, and, after ordination, he requested to be sent to Japan and the missions there. Going first to the Philippines in 1610, he was later assigned to Japan, arriving there in 1620. Two years later, he was arrested and, with Blesseds Louis Flores, Joachim, Firayama, and the captain and crew which had transported them, was put to death. The crew was beheaded while the others were burned alive. Feastday Aug. 19

Bl. Thomas Guengoro - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. Thomas Guengoro - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Bl. Thomas Guengoro, Roman Catholic Japanese martyr, A Japanese native, he was arrested and crucified at Kokura along with his wife and young son for giving aid to Blessed Simon Kiota. Feastday Aug. 18

Bl. Thomas Vinyemon - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. Thomas Vinyemon - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Bl. Michael Kiraiemon, Roman Catholic Franciscan tertiary Martyr of Japan, beheaded at Nagasaki, Japan Feastday Aug 17 Bl. Thomas Vinyemon, Roman Catholic layman  Martyr of Japan, he was beheaded at Nagasaki after being condemned for giving aid and shelter to missionaries. Feastday Aug 17 Bl. Miguel Kurobioye, Roman Catholic Dominican Catechist & Martyr of Japan. Feastday Aug 17

Bl. Martin Gomez - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. Martin Gomez - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Bls. Louis Someyon & St. Luke Kiemon Roman Catholic Franciscan tertiaries Martyrs of Japan, beheaded at Nagasaki, Japan Feastday Aug 17

Bl. Martin Gomez - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. Martin Gomez - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Bl. Martin Gomez, Roman Catholic Franciscan tertiary Martyr of Japan, beheaded at Nagasaki, Japan Feastday Aug 17 Bl. Martin Gomez, Roman Catholic Franciscan tertiary Martyr of Japan, beheaded at Nagasaki, Japan Feastday Aug 17

Bl. Francis Kurobiove - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. Francis Kurobiove - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Bl. Francis Kurobiove, Roman Catholic Dominican tertiary Martyr of Japan. A native Japanese, Francis was burned alive at Nagasaki, Japan Feastday Aug 17

Bl. Francis Kuloi - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. Francis Kuloi - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Bl. Francis Kuloi, Roman Catholic Franciscan tertiary Martyr of Japan A native Japanese, who sheltered missionaries. He was beheaded. Feastday Aug 17

St. Frances Bizzocca - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

St. Frances Bizzocca - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online St. Frances Bizzocca, Roman Catholic Martyr of Japan. A Third Order Dominican, the wife of Blessed Leo Bizzocca, Frances sheltered missionaries in her home, an act that brought about her arrest. She was burned alive in Nagasaki, Japan. Feastday Aug 17

Bl. Bartholomew Laurel - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. Bartholomew Laurel - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Bl. Bartholomew Laurel, Roman Catholic Franciscan lay brother sent to the Philippines in 1609. He studied medicine at Manila and in 1622 was sent to Japan where he suffered martyrdom for his faith by being burned to death at Nagasaki. Feastday Aug 17

Bl. Caspar and Mary Vaz - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. Caspar and Mary Vaz - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Bl. Caspar and Mary Vaz, Roman Catholic Martyrs of Japan. They were husband and wife and tertiaries of St. Francis. Both were martyred in Nagasaki. Caspar was burned alive, and Mary was beheaded. Feastday Aug. 17

Bl. John of Saint Martha - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. John of Saint Martha - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Bl. John of Saint Martha, Roman Catholic Franciscan Martyr of Japan. He was born in Prados, Spain, in 1578, and ordained a Franciscan in 1606. Sent to Japan, he mastered that nation's language and worked in the missions. He was arrested in 1615 and spent three years in prison before being beheaded. Feastday Aug. 16

Bl. Mary Magdalen Kiota - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. Mary Magdalen Kiota - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Bl. Mary Magdalen Kiota, Roman Catholic Dominican tertiary and Japanese Martyr. A princess of Japan and relative of a local lord, she was a Dominican tertiary. Arrested for sheltering missionaries, she was burned alive at Nagasaki. Feastday Aug. 16