
Showing posts from 2016

Bl. Michael Nakashima - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. Michael Nakashima - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Bl. Michael Nakashima, Roman Catholic Jesuit martyr of Japan. A native Japanese, Michael was admitted to the Society of Jesus because of his holiness and courage. He hid priests and was placed under arrest for many months for harboring missionaries. Michael was then taken to Shimabara and was scalded to death in the hot springs at Mount Ungen. Feastday Dec.25

Bl. Jerome de Angelis - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. Jerome de Angelis - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Bl. Jerome de Angelis, Roman Catholic Jesuit Priest and Martyr in Japan. He was burned alive in Edo. Feastday Dec 4

St. Francis Galvez - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

St. Francis Galvez - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online St. Francis Galvez, Roman Catholic Priest and Martyr in Japan. Francis was burned alive in Edo. Feastday Dec 4

Bl. Thomas Kotenda and Companions - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. Thomas Kotenda and Companions - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Bl. Thomas Kotenda and Companions, Roman Catholics and Martyrs of Japan. He lived at Nagasaki until his condemnation and beheading, He was martyred along with ten companions.Feastday Nov27

Supremacy and Survival: The English Reformation: "Silence" and Apostasy

Supremacy and Survival: The English Reformation: "Silence" and Apostasy : The trailer for Martin Scorsese's film adaptation of Shusaku Endo's Silence is available here . Silence tells the story of Jesuit ...

Bl. Francis Chakichi - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. Francis Chakichi - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Bl. Francis Chakichi-Four-year-old Roman Catholic Martyr of Japan. He was beheaded in Nagasaki, Japan, with his mother, Blessed Lucy, and his brother Blessed Andrew. His father, Blessed Louis, was burned at the stake. Feastday Oct 2

Bl. Magdalena of Nagasaki - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. Magdalena of Nagasaki - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Bl. Magdalena of Nagasaki, Japan. Magdalene turned herself into the authorities and declared herself a follower of Jesus Christ. At age 23, she died on October 16, 1634 after thirteen days of torture, suffocated to death and suspended upside down in a pit of offal on a gibbet (??? tsurushi, "reverse hanging").

Martyrs of Japan - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Martyrs of Japan - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online In 1622 took place what was called the "great martyrdom", fifty-two chosen Christians being martyred on the same day (2 Sept.) at Nagasaki, twenty seven being decapitated, and the remainder being burned alive at Nagasaki. Feastday Sept 2

Bl. Louis Sotelo - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. Louis Sotelo - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Bl. Louis Sotelo, Franciscan martyr of Japan. Louis Was a noble of Spain, who was ordained and sent to Manila, Philippines, in 1601. He went to Japan in 1603 but was exiled. Returning to Spain in 1613, he visited Rome in 1622, and then went again to Japan. He was arrested in Nagasaki and burned alive at Shimabara. Feastday Aug 25

Bl. Bartholomew Monfiore - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. Bartholomew Monfiore - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Bl. Bartholomew Monfiore, Bl. James Denshi, Bl. Paul Sanchiki, Roman Catholics and martyrs of Japan. Japanese crew members of Blessed Joachim Firayama's ship. Arrested for his Christian faith, he was beheaded at Nagasaki. Feastday Aug. 19 Bl. John Foyamon, Roman Catholic Martyr of Japan. A scribe on the ship carrying Blessed Peter Zufliga, he was beheaded at Nagasaki with Blesseds John Yano and John Nangata. Feastday Aug. 19 Bl. Thomas Koyanangi, Roman Catholic Japanese martyr. Arrested as a passenger on the ship of Blessed Joachim Firayama-Diz, he was beheaded at Nagasaki, Feastday Aug. 19

Bl. James Guengoro - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. James Guengoro - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Blesseds James, Thoffias and Mary Guengoro Japanese martyrs. James was the son of Blesseds Thoffias and Mary Guengoro. James was only two at the time of his crucifixion at Kokura. Feastday Aug. 18

Bl. Caspar and Mary Vaz - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. Caspar and Mary Vaz - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Bl. Caspar and Mary Vaz, Roman Catholic Martyrs of Japan. They were husband and wife and tertiaries of St. Francis. Both of them and several others with them were martyred in Nagasaki. Caspar was burned alive, and Mary was beheaded. Feastday Aug. 17

Bl. John of Saint Martha - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. John of Saint Martha - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Bl. John of Saint Martha, Roman Catholic Franciscan Martyr of Japan. He was born in Prados, Spain, in 1578, and ordained a Franciscan in 1606. Sent to Japan, he mastered that nation's language and worked in the missions. He was arrested in 1615 and spent three years in prison before being beheaded. John was beatified in 1867. Feastday Aug 16

Bl. Mary Magdalen Kiota - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. Mary Magdalen Kiota - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Bl. Mary Magdalen Kiota, Roman Catholic Dominican tertiary and Japanese Martyr. A princess of Japan and relative of a local lord, she was a Dominican tertiary. Arrested for sheltering missionaries, she was burned alive at Nagasaki. Feastday Aug. 16

St. Francis Pacheco - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

St. Francis Pacheco - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online St. Francis Pacheco, Roman Catholic Jesuit Priest and Japanese Martyr. Bl. Peter Rinshei, Roman Catholic  Jesuit Martyr of Japan Bl. John Baptist Zola, Roman Catholic  Jesuit Martyr of Japan. Bl. John Kinsako, Roman Catholic Jesuit Martyr of Japan Bl. Michael Tozo, Roman Catholic Jesuit Martyr of Japan Bl. Paul Shinsuki, Roman Catholic Jesuit Martyr of Japan. All burned alive with eight other Christians at Nagasaki Feastday June 20

St. Vincent Kaun - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

St. Vincent Kaun - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online St. Vincent Kaun, Roman Catholic Martyr of Japan. A native of Korea, he was brought to Japan in 1591 as a prisoner of war and was subsequently converted to Christianity. Entering the Jesuits, he studied at the Jesuit seminary of Arima and worked for three decades as a catechist in both Japan and China. Seized during the persecution of the Church, he was burned alive at Nagasaki with Blessed Francis Pacheco. Feastday June 20

Bl. Ambrose Fernandez - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. Ambrose Fernandez - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Bl. Ambrose Fernandez, Roman Catholic Martyr of Japan. Ambrose was born in Sisto, Portugal, in 1551. He went to Japan as a trader but entered the Jesuits in 1577 as a lay brother. Arrested by the Japanese, he died in Suzota prison. Feastday Mar.14

Bl. Dominic Jorjes - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

Bl. Dominic Jorjes - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Bl. Dominic Jorjes. A Roman Catholic martyr of Japan, a Portuguese who settled in that country. He was arrested for sheltering Blessed John Spinola. He was burned alive in Nagasaki, Japan, on November 18.Feastday Mar.14

St. Paul Miki - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

St. Paul Miki - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online The twenty-five Martyrs of Japan, crucified on Februay 5. including St. Francis Nagasaki, St. Anthony Dainan, St. Thomas Danki, St. Thomas Kozaki, St. Francis of St. Michael, St. James Kisai, St. John Soan de Goto, St. Martin de Aguirre, St. Martin Loynaz of the Ascension, St. Matthias of Meako, St. Michael Kozaki, St. Peter Shukeshiko,